The JSH will be hosting Smart Start on Monday, August 23rd from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. ALL JSH Students are expected to attend Smart Start at some point during the day. Parents may attend, as well.  Most students are finished in 30 minutes or less.

Lockers:  9th and 10th  graders will have a partner to share a locker.  Please make contact with the person with whom you would like to share a locker prior to Smart Start.  Jr. High students cannot share a locker with Sr. High students.   

School Pictures:  All students (including Seniors) need to have a picture taken for student ID’s and the yearbook.  If you would like to purchase pictures, please complete the attached order form and include payment.  Retake dates will be shared soon.

Parking Passes:  All drivers must complete car registration and have a vehicle tag.  

Schedules: Pick your schedule up at Smart Start or check Skyward.

Forms:  Several important forms will be provided, allowing parents time to have these completed and returned before school starts.