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September 29, 2020


During the board meeting last night, there was a discussion regarding our in-person and virtual instruction. The board received input from the administration, teaching staff, and support staff regarding our current structure for educating students.

Many of you may be aware that in-person and virtual instruction has been challenging for our students and staff. The challenges include tech support for staff and families, time for contact with our virtual families, time for recording and uploading instruction, and planning instruction for all learners. Staff is dedicating time to ensuring proper cleaning and disinfecting of classrooms, and facing many more challenges and mandates each and every day.

Due to the challenges mentioned above, the board has supported a calendar adjustment for "Work at Home Wednesdays" for all students. These Wednesdays would not have in-person learners on campus. Staff will be connecting with students and families, continuing to prepare best instructional practices for all learners, and collaborating with colleagues (grade level mates and departments) to ensure proper pacing.

The new Wednesday model will begin October 14th and continue through the first semester. Staff will frequently review this model to ensure that it meets the needs of our students and staff. The district will evaluate around the holidays whether to continue this model for the 2nd semester.

This communication is to allow families the maximum amount of time to prepare for the "Work at Home Wednesdays.” Detailed information will follow next week for each building.

Please understand we are not trying to create a hardship for our families, but working to deliver the best possible education for ALL our students.

Additionally, in accordance with the Executive Order No. 2020-185, all students in grades Kindergarten - 12th grade will now be required to wear masks in the classrooms. Students in the building have done an outstanding job wearing masks in different aspects of the school day. Our staff will continue to work with students to help them adjust to this change in policy. We will continue to take mask breaks outside when possible.

The district truly appreciates your continued support and understanding as we work through these uncertain and difficult times.