Fall weather means apples! The Saranac FFA will be selling Gala Apples grown at the MSU AgBioResearch Center from 3-4pm Tuesday, September 13, 2022. 10 pound bags are $7.50 and 20 pound bags are $15. If you cannot make this time, please contact Susann Young by email at youngsus@scs-staff.org Thank you for your continued support of Agriscience Education and the FFA at Saranac.
JSH Parents: our Meal Magic software is currently not allowing online payments. Tech/Food Service are working to resolve this. In the meantime, students may bring cash/check to the JSH office and we will load it onto students' accounts. Thank you for your patience.
Tomorrow is the first day of school! We cannot wait to see all of our students and start fresh for a new year!
Monday is a half day and here are the important times to remember:
Doors unlock at 7:20
Instruction begins at 7:45
Dismissal at 11:00
A few drop off line reminders:
Please be courteous in the drop off lines. If you have a student that is new or needs extra time to exit the vehicle, park in the lot so we can keep the line moving.
Pull as far forward as possible. Our goal is to have 5 vehicles unloading at a time.
Follow the directions of our crossing guard.
Do not block the road leading to the bus garage.
Be patient. That first week will be slow. Plan on needing some extra time. Our priority is safety.
You can find our Elementary Supply List on our district website. Click on Saranac Elementary and it is under the quick links!
Saranac Community Schools is accepting applications for an Elementary School Special Education Teacher ½ time Resource Room (.5 FTE). Please see the attached posting.
Check out our lunch menu for August and September. Don't forgot to fill out the free and reduced lunch form on our website. This year lunch will no longer be free to all students so these applications must be completed.
SCS is currently without internet and cell service. There is currently no ETA for restoration. JSH summer school is cancelled for today. Elementary programs will continue as scheduled. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Saranac Elementary Open House!
August 25th, 2022
August 10th, 2022
Dear Saranac Elementary Families,
The staff at Saranac Elementary has been preparing for fall 2022 all summer. The office is now officially open. If you have questions, you may contact the office at 616-642-1200 between 8 am and 3 pm or email our principals, Mr. Mike Catrell, catrellmik@scs-staff.org , or Mrs. Sara Serne sernesar@scs-staff.org
OPEN HOUSE – Thursday, August 25th, 2022
In order for you and your child to get acquainted with your new teacher and classroom, the staff will be available for you to stop in from 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm. You are welcome and encouraged to bring any school supplies to place in your child's desk at this time.
Representatives from the Transportation Department will also be available for questions. The office staff will be available for any documentation still needed for registration.
Young 5s through 6th grade
Monday, August 29 - 1/2 Day, 7:45am – 11:00am
PICTURE DAY will be Tuesday, October 4th.
NORMAL SCHOOL SCHEDULE Our normal daily instruction begins at 7:45. Our school doors open at 7:20 for student drop-off.
School dismisses at 2:45.
The grant that all schools had across the nation is no longer available. There will not be free breakfast or lunch this year. Our prices will return to our previous amount.
Breakfast is available at 7:30 am.
Breakfast $1.50
Reduced $1.20
Lunch $2.25
Reduced $1.80
Free and Reduced Lunch/breakfast form Link
In order for our school to receive federal funding, we need each family to fill out the free and reduced lunch forms. EVERY STUDENT must return these forms even if the family does not qualify. The online application allows you to complete the form for every child in your family.
All volunteers in the school must pass a clear background check. All volunteers must be scheduled with their child's teacher.
The building's doors are unlocked at 7:20 daily.
Please make sure you pull up as far as possible when dropping off your student(s). The goal is to be able to have 5 cars unloading all at once. If your child needs more time to drop off, use the front parking lot and have your child(ren) exit your vehicle there. This keeps the drop-off line moving.
If you need to pick up your child early from school, Dial 642-1200 once you arrive, and we will have your child come out to your vehicle.
Teachers will walk all students outside of the building upon dismissal.
We have several staffing changes taking place in our building this year. Please help us welcome the following staff:
Angie Guernsey - ECSE and Special Education Teacher
Alicia Zeller - 3rd Grade Teacher
Amanda Germanese - 4th Grade Teacher
Shandra Hesche - Office Secretary
School Calendar and School Supply list can be found on the school website at www.saranack12.mi.us.
Like to stay informed?
Visit www.saranac.k12.mi.us for helpful information, news, schedules, lunch menus, and links.
Would you like to be updated about school events, closings, and more via text or email?
Make sure the office has your updated email and phone number. Our district uses ThrillShare, which connects directly to our grade book system, Skyward. This system will notify the contact information that parents have provided.
Skyward Family Access is an easy way for you to keep up-to-date with your student's grades, attendance, behavior, request contact information changes, and more. If you need assistance setting-up access, please contact your student's classroom teacher.
You can also follow us on FACEBOOK! Like the Saranac Elementary School page for events and the latest happenings.
Annual Parent Notice Right to Request Teacher and Paraprofessional Qualifications
Because your child attends a school that received federal funds from the Title I program, you may request the following information about the professional qualifications of your child's classroom teacher(s):
Whether the teacher has met Michigan licensing requirements for the grade level(s) and subject area(s) for which the teacher provides instruction.
Whether the teacher is teaching under an emergency permit or other provisional status through which Michigan licensing requirements have been waived.
The teacher's college degree(s), major(s), and fields(s) of discipline, as well as any graduate degree or certification.
You may also request this information about any paraprofessional who provides Title I services to your child.
If you would like to receive this information, please contact Becky Bowen at the Superintendent's office (642-1400). Your request will be processed in a timely manner.
We are looking forward to another great year at Saranac Elementary!
Mike Catrell & Sara Serne
The JSH office will be closing at noon tomorrow, Friday, June 24. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Saranac Elementary Families,
Our office is winding down for the Summer. Our office will be closed Friday, June 23rd, and Monday, June 27th.
We will have be open from 8:00 - 3:00 on June 28th and 29th.
If your students attend any of our summer programs, the teachers will meet them at our main entrance in front of the building.
Our office will be closed until August 1st.
Please have a safe and relaxing summer!
Saranac Elementary Office Hours for the upcoming week:
Monday, June 13th Closed for staff training
Tuesday, June 14th 7:30 - 3:00
Wednesday, June 15th 7:30 - 3:00
Thursday, June 16th 7:30 - 3:00
Friday, June 17th 7:30 - 3:00
Friday we celebrated our Seniors. They parade through the school they entered as Kindergarter's and return as graduates! Congratulations to all of you, we are very proud of your hard work and dedication.
A very special thank you to Deputy Sean Farrell who came into PE with Mrs. Howe’s 1st graders! We played a class game of kickball. Deputy Farrell got in the action and made some great connections with the students❤️
Here is a great opportunity for children ages 8 -17!
Our Scholastic Book Fair is taking place right now! This is a wonderful way to build your family's home library. Having books in the home have a major impact on student achievement and students' love of Reading.
We are hosting our Family Night today, and Thursday. Family Night is immediately after school until 6:30! We look forward to seeing you!
Kickoff to Kindergarten Survey 2022 - 2023 - Please complete this form if you are interested in enrolling a student in Kindergarten for the 2022 - 2023 school year. Completing this form will help us make necessary plans for the upcoming year. Children who are 5 years old prior December 1, 2022 are eligible to enroll in a Kindergarten program. A Young 5s program is also available for students who are eligible. https://forms.gle/VEfE99icN3uzfwbq8
Kickoff to Kindergarten Survey 2022 - 2023
Please complete this form if you are interested in enrolling a student in Kindergarten for the 2022 - 2023 school year. Completing this form will help us make necessary plans for the upcoming year.
Children who are 5 years old prior December 1, 2022 are eligible to enroll in a Kindergarten program. A Young 5s program is also available for students who are eligible.
The final round- Help choose our new mascot by voting at the following link: https://forms.gle/5iMif7KK6E1niPjK9
Saranac is participating in the Mileage Club this year and students MUST register themselves. Please click on the link and register your child so they can get rewards for how many miles they travel during Mileage Club. Thanks and stay healthy!