Spring Sports information
over 3 years ago, Jason Smith
Spring sports
Tom Westbrook is our volunteer photographer who attends most all extra-curricular events, at home or on the road. When news broke of a broken lens the students, parents, and community members worked together to help. During halftime of the basketball game Wednesday evening, Tom was presented with a gift of $1,400 to replace the lens. The donations were presented by the high school students.
over 3 years ago, Jason Smith
donation presentation
Parents, Saranac Driver's Education will be offering a spring and summer session this year. If you are interested in enrolling your child in either, email Brien Simpson at simpsonbri@scs-staff.org. Students may also sign up on the office window. Students must be at least 14 years and nine months old by the start of the course. Thank you very much!
almost 4 years ago, Jason Smith
Driver education
Hello! A few lunch changes for this week. We will have today’s lunch menu tomorrow. Quesadillas, mandarin oranges and refried beans and Tuesday’s lunch menu will be on Thursday Popcorn Chicken, carrot sticks and Banana.
almost 4 years ago, Mike Catrell
Saranac Community Schools will be closed today Monday, February 1st.
almost 4 years ago, Mike Catrell
Saranac Community schools is closed due to snow.
almost 4 years ago, Mike Catrell
The JSH would like to welcome Mr. Noah Macomber, who is joining our staff as a teacher of special education. Mr. Macomber is a product of Grand Valley State University and we are excited to have him on staff!
almost 4 years ago, Josh Leader
Noah MaComber
Thank You!!! Our school raised $1378.09 through the door decorating competition. All of that money went straight to the Saranac Food Pantry along with the donations were collected when Santa visited! If you are a family in need of assistance please visit the food pantry at the Saranac Community Church.
almost 4 years ago, Mike Catrell
Google has restored most of their services. There may still be a few issues with their platform, but overall it should be working. Google issued a statement saying there would be no more updates on this outage.
almost 4 years ago, Mike Catrell
Families, Google is currently down. This does not appear to be a local problem. This will impact our ability to use Google Classrooms. As soon as Google corrects the issue we will send out another notification. Thank you for your patience.
almost 4 years ago, Mike Catrell
Congratultions to the Men's and Women's Cross Country Team as they prepare for their Zoom Awards Ceremony after a very successful season. Coaches Mr. and Mrs. Smith have your gift bags all ready to be dropped off, but do not open until the ceremony!
about 4 years ago, Josh Leader
XC Awards Bags
The building may be empty, but it is looking great!
about 4 years ago, Josh Leader
East Hallway
Mian Gym
Congrats to our Cross-Country runners on their performance in the state finals. We are so very proud of you!
about 4 years ago, Saranac Community Schools
8 cross-country students posing for photo
Thank you very much to Sheri Weeks for the creation and donation of 60 custom Saranac masks to the JSH!
about 4 years ago, Josh Leader
Saranac Masks provides by Sheri Weeks
You can access our COVID-19 daily screening form through this link: https://bit.ly/2EKuG6X, or through the 'COVID-19 Daily Screening Form' section of our website menu. Thank you for helping to keep our community safe!
about 4 years ago, Saranac Community Schools
Thank you to Herbruck's for this generous donation of lunch boxes and school supplies!
about 4 years ago, Saranac Community Schools
Saranac Elementary students posing with donated lunch boxes
Saranac Elementary students posing with donated lunch boxes
Want to join our team? We have a new vacancy for our district Food Service Director! https://5il.co/le1y
about 4 years ago, Saranac Community Schools
Saranac Community Schools Covid19 Access Form QR Code:
about 4 years ago, Saranac Community Schools
A QR code
A special "Thank you" to Cheryl Greiner and Diana Naylor for making masks for our students here at Saranac Community Schools. Hundreds were dropped off from these 2 amazing people.
about 4 years ago, Saranac Community Schools
More masks coming in. Thanks, Liz Callihan. We appreciate your support so much.
about 4 years ago, Saranac Community Schools
Homemade masks against a red table.